fp solo

Faith Pillow Solo, released in 2008 by Faith Pillow Productions, contains two sets of songs performed solo by Faith Pillow accompanying herself on guitar. The first set (1-11), recorded in 1989, is from a live performance at The String, a once well-known but now defunct acoustic music venue on the Nes in the old theater district of Amsterdam. This is followed by one song (12) recorded in 1990 at a studio in the Netherlands and a set of three songs (13-15) recorded in 1998 at a studio in Louisville, Kentucky. These three are among the last songs Faith wrote.

  1. Early In The Morning (Faith Pillow)    listen
  2. Makes Me Know (Faith Pillow)
  3. Come On Down (Faith Pillow)
  4. Fallen Angel (Faith Pillow)
  5. Style (Faith Pillow)
  6. Melinda (Faith Pillow)
  7. You Brighten Up My Day (Faith Pillow)
  8. Being Loved (Faith Pillow)
  9. Take The Time (Faith Pillow)
  10. If Tomorrow Wasn't Such A Long Time
    (Bob Dylan)     listen
  11. Magic Eyes (a cappella) (Faith Pillow)    listen
  12. Loved You For A Lifetime (Faith Pillow)
  13. Love Is A Big Risk (Faith Pillow)
  14. Destiny (Faith Pillow)
  15. Turn Around (Faith Pillow)    listen